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Commitment to sustainability

With our guiding principle “We combine modular resources, innovative technologies and intelligent processes to create ecologically sound, socially sustainable and economically efficient solutions. “, we have set ourselves the goal of becoming one of the strongest European companies for live communication.

The WWM GmbH & Co. KG is aware of its ecological, social, and business responsibility. Therefore, we have embedded this in our corporate culture. "We believe that health, balance, and joy are essential components of a balanced self. In our view, this requires harmony with our ecological and social environment. The physical and mental well-being of our employees is important to us. Therefore, we aim for a sustainable approach towards both our fellow human beings and our natural resources."

Yours Dr. Christian Coppeneur-Gülz




Sustainability strategy

At WWM, our sustainability strategy is integral to our mission statement and consists of three core elements:

  • Ecological responsibility
  • Economic responsibility and
  • Social responsibility



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WWM Code of Conduct

WWM Code of Conduct


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WWM Code of Conduct for parnters

WWM Code of Conduct for partners


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Whistleblower System

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