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Privacy Policy Download and Access to the App

Last updated: 01.12.2019

Note: The German version of this document will govern our relationship - this translated version is provided for convenience only and will not be interpreted to modify the German version. For the German version, please go to https://www.wwm.de/legal/datenschutzerklaerung-download-und-zugang-apps.

The careful handling of your personal data is a matter of course for us. The data protection declaration is addressed to the users of the app, regardless of whether they aredirect  contractors of WWM or customers of the contractual partners of  WWM. The privacy policy "Download and Access to the App (General)" only informs about the handling of personal data in the context of the download of the app and access to the app. For the actual use of the app, separate data protection declarations are stored for direct contractual partners of WWM and their customers. It should be noted that only the respective contractual partner of the user can be responsible for the services of the app, i.e. WWM is responsible for the use of WWM's services to its customer, who is a direct contractual partner of WWM.  However, if the direct contractual partner of the user of the app is not WWM, but a third party, which in turn is a contractual partner of WWM,  this third party is responsible within the meaning of the GDPR for the processing of the personal data of the user within the scope of the services offered by the app.

The privacy policy for downloading and accessing the WWM app is available at any time under https://www.wwm.de/en/legal. For the use of the company website  https://www.wwm.de/en please refer to the "Privacy Policy  Website" available separately  at https://www.wwm.de/en/legal.


§ 1 Information on the collection of personal data

(1) In addition to our online offer, we provide you with a mobile app that you can download to your mobile device. In the following we inform about the collection of personal data when using our mobile app. Personal data is all data that can be personally related to you, e.g. name, address, e-mail addresses, user behavior.        

(2) The person responsible in accordance with Article 4 sec. 7 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is WWM GmbH & Co. KG, EHans-Georg-Weiss street 18, D-52156 Monschau Germany, phone: +49 (0) 2472 - 99100, e-mail: info@wwm.de (see our imprint).

Our data protection officer can be reached here: Dr. Ralf W. Schadowski, phone: +49 241 44688-0.

(3) When contacting us by e-mail or via a contact form, your e-mail address and, if you provide you, your name and telephone number will be stored by us to answer your questions. We delete the data in this context after storage is no longer necessary or – in the case of legal retention obligations – restrict the processing.    

(4) If we use contracted service providers for individual functions of our offer or would like to use your data for advertising purposes, we will inform you in detail about the respective processes below. We also mention the defined criteria for the storage time. 


§ 2 Your Rights

1) You have the following rights with respect to us with respect to the person-related data:

  right to information,

  right to rectification or erasure,

  right to restrict processing, 

  right to object to the processing,

  right to data portability.

(2) You also have the right to complain to a data protection supervisory authority about the processing of your personal data in our company.      


§ 3 Collection of personal data when using our mobile app

(1) When downloading the mobile app, the required information is transmitted to the respective  App Store, i.e. in particular the user name, email address and customer number of your account, time of download, payment information and the individual device code. We have no influence on this data collection and are not responsible for it. We process the data only to the extent necessary for downloading the mobile app to your mobile device.

(2) When providing the mobile app as described in the preamble, we collect the personal data described below to enable the provision of the app. If you would like to use our mobile app, we collect the following data, which is technically necessary for us to offer you the functions of our mobile app and to ensure stability and security (legal basis is Art. 6 sec. 1 p. 1 lit. f GDPR): 

  IP address

  date and time of the request

  time zone difference from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)

  content of the request (concrete page)

  access Status/HTTP Status Code

  amount of data transferred in each case

  website from which the request originates


  operating system and its interface

  language and version of the browser software.


If JavaScript is enabled, also:


  color depth

  size of the browser window

  installed browser plugins

(3) When you create or log in to a user account  (or customeraccount), we use your access data (email address and password) to grant you access to and manage your user account. Mandatory information in the context of registration is marked with an asterisk and is required for the conclusion of the user contract. If you do not provide this information, you will not be able to create a user account (mandatory information).

We use the mandatory information to authenticate you at login and to investigate requests to reset your password. The data you enter during registration or registration will be processed and used by us (1) to verify your authorization to manage the user account; (2) enforce the Terms of Use of the Services and all associated rights and obligations and (3) contact you in order to provide you with technical or legal notices, updates, security messages or other messages such as the management of the user accounts.

In addition, you can provide voluntary information as part of the registration process. We use voluntary information to display it in accordance with your settings within the scope of the Services and to make it available to other users of the Services at your request. You can change the voluntary information at any time.

This data processing is justified by the fact that (1) the processing for the performance of the contract between you as a data party and us in accordance with Art. b) GDPR is required to use the Services, or (2) we have a legitimate interest in ensuring the functioning and correct operation of the Services, which herein your rights and interests in the protection of your personal data within the meaning of Art. (f) GDPR. If you upload a profile photo as part of the voluntarily providedinformation,  you agree that this profile picture you uploaded will be displayed. The legal basis for this is Article 6(1) of the lit. (a) GDPR.

(4) In addition to the aforementioned data, cookies are stored on your computer when you use our mobile app. Cookies are small text files that are stored in the device memory of your mobile device and are associated with the mobile app you are using. Cookies allow certain information to flow to the body that sets the cookie (here: us). Cookies cannot run programs or transmit viruses to your mobile device. They are used to make mobile apps more user-friendly and effective overall.  

a)This mobile app uses the following types of cookies, the scope and functioning of which are explained below:

  Transiente Cookies (here b) 

  Persistente Cookies (here c). 

b) Transient cookies are automatically deleted when you close our mobile app. This includes in particular the session cookies. These store a so-called session ID, with which various requests can be assigned to your mobile app. This allows your mobile device to be recognized when you use our mobile app again. The session cookies are deleted when you log out or close the app.

c) Persistent cookies are automatically deleted after a predetermined period of time, which may vary depending on the cookie. You can configure the settings of your mobile operating system and app according to your wishes and, for example, refuse to accept third-party cookies or all cookies. Please note that you may not be able to use all the features of our mobile app.


§ 4 Other features and offers of our app

(1) When providing the App, we offer various services that you can use if you are interested. To do so, you must usually provide other personal data that we use to provide the respective service and to which the aforementioned data processing principles apply. 

(2) In part, we use external service providers to process your data. These have been carefully selected and commissioned by us, are bound by our instructions and are regularly checked.          

(3) Furthermore, we may disclose your personal data to third parties if we offer participation in promotions, contracts or similar services together with partners. You can find more information about this by providing your personal data or in the description of the offer below.    

(4) Insofar as our service providers or partners are located in a country outside the European Economic Area (EEA), we will inform you of the consequences of this circumstance in the description of the offer.     


§ 5 HubSpot

We used HubSpot for our online marketing activities. HubSpot is an integrated software solution that covers various aspects of our online marketing.

These include, but are not only:

  Content Management (Website und Blog) 

  E-Mail-Marketing (Newsletter sowie automatisierte Mailings, bspw. zur Bereitstellung von Downloads) 

  Social Media Publishing & Reporting 

  Reporting (z.B. Traffic-Quellen, Zugriffe, etc. ...) 

  Contact management (e.g. user segmentation & CRM)

  Landing pages and contact forms

Our online sign-up service enables visitors to our website and app to learn more about our products and services, download content and provide their contact information and other data. This information, as well as the content of our website and app, is stored on servers of our software partner HubSpot.  They can be used by us to contact visitors to our website and to determine which services of our company are of interest to them.

All information we collect is subject to this Privacy Policy. We use all collected information exclusively to optimize our marketing.

HubSpot is a software company based in the United States with a subsidiary in Ireland.



2nd Floor 30 North Wall Quay Dublin 1, Ireland, Telefon: +353 1 5187500.

HubSpot is certified under the terms ofthe EU - U.S. Privacy Shield Frameworkand is subject to theTRUSTe's Privacy Seal.

More information on HubSpot's privacy policy »

More information from HubSpot regarding EU data protection rules »

More information about the cookies used by HubSpot can be found here  »

On mobile devices, you can disable Hubspot tracking viacookies.


§ 6 Disclosure of data

If it is necessary to clarify an unlawful or abusive use of the App or for legal prosecution, personal data will be transferred to law enforcement authorities or other authorities, as well as to injured third parties or legal advisers. Redirected. However, this only happens if there is evidence of unlawful or abusive behaviour. Disclosure may also take place if this serves to enforce terms of use or other legal claims. We are also legally obliged to provide information to certain public authorities upon request. These are law enforcement agencies, authorities that prosecute fine-tested offences, and the tax authorities.

Any disclosure of personal data is justified by the fact that (1) the processing is necessary to fulfil a legal obligation, which we have under Art. f) GDPR is subject to national legal requirements for the disclosure of data to law enforcement authorities, or (2) we have a legitimate interest in providing the data in the event of evidence of abusive conduct or for the enforcement of our Terms of Use, other terms and conditions or legal claims to the said third parties and your rights and interests in the protection of your personal data within the meaning of Art. (f) GDPR do not outweigh the GDPR.


§ 7 Period of data storage

We delete or anonymize your personal data as soon as it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which we collected or used it in accordance with the preceding paragraphs. As a rule, we store your personal data for the duration of the use or contractual relationship via the app plus a period of 7 days during which we keep backup copies after deletion, insofar as this data is not used for the prosecution or to secure, assert or enforce legal claims.

Specific information in this data protection declaration or legal requirements for the retention and deletion of personal data, in particular those that we have to retain for tax reasons, remain unaffected.


§ 8 Objection or revocation against the processing of your data

(1) If you have given your consent to the processing of your data, you can revoke it at any time. Such a revocation affects the admissibility of the processing of your personal data after you have expressed it to us.

(2) Insofar as we base the processing of your personal data on the balance of interests, you may object to the processing. This is the case if the processing is not required in particular for the performance of a contract with you, which is shown by us in the following description of the functions. In exercising such an objection, we ask you to explain the reasons why we should not process your personal data as we have done. In the event of your reasoned objection, we will examine the situation and will either discontinue or adjust the data processing or show you our compelling reasons for continuing the processing.      

(3) Of course, you can object to the processing of your personal data for the purposes of advertising and data analysis at any time. You can inform us about your advertising objection via the contact channels listed above. 


§ 9 Changes to this Privacy Policy

We always keep this Privacy Policy up to date. Therefore, we reserve the right to change them from time to time and to follow up changes in the collection, processing or use of your data. The current version of the privacy policy is always available under "Privacy Policy Download and Access to the App"within the app, as well as under  https://www.wwm.de/en/legal.