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The cloud for event management - article in Event Partner

Press release from 17.06.2015

Planning trade shows and events online and managing marketing equipment efficiently - that's what the WWMcloud and the event resource management (ERM) system myWWM stand for. Time and cost savings speak for themselves and, according to the makers, could revolutionize thinking in the trade fair and event industry.


"What are we actually doing?" Dr. Christian Coppeneur-Gülz opens the conversation with a rhetorical question and draws a circle in the center of a white sheet of paper with a felt pen. The customer is at the center, which in the WWM managing director's practiced words means "customer centric". A ring of consultants grows around the customer on the paper. The latter are specialized at WWM (www.wwm.de) in terms of content on different topics and industries, such as recruiting, healthcare or food & beverage. Project teams are dynamically configured according to need and client. "We are a network organization," says Christian Coppeneur-Gülz. "With our competence centers marketing logistics, trade show construction, mobile presentation systems, print & graphic services and software & consulting, we offer a holistic solution for live communication.

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René Meures

Head of Marketing & Sales

Tel.: +49 (0) 2472 - 9910 65

E-Mail: marketing@wwm.de